CSoft Technologies
CSoft Technologies has implemented enterprise level solutions for global clients in the chemical, refining, manufacturing, pipeline and offshore industries. Our aim is to provide comprehensive Operations, Maintenance and Environmental solutions that enable our customers to eliminate errors, reduce upsets and rework, lower operating costs and increase safety, compliance and availability of the assets.
CNotesTM - Single source of truth for plant-wide shift communication
CNotes is the shift handover solution that consolidates all the necessary information required for a consistent and up-to-date view of shift logs, key process (historian) and lab data, problems, operating targets and workflows to manage critical safety system bypass, Downgrades and abnormal situation management. The Work Permits workflow module manages safe work permits, Lockout Tagout isolations, risk assessments, job hazard analysis and other types of electronic permit approvals. The Task Tracker module allows Environmental, Operations and Maintenance teams to track recurring tasks, allows peer-collaboration and track tasks completion for compliance.
CNotes captures data from across the plant, making it available through a user-friendly web or mobile-based user interface with searchable shift summaries and one-pager turnover reports.
CNotesMobile Operator Rounds solution is a mobile-based application (iOS or Android) for managing field operator rounds, procedures and routine duties. The application collects data on the plant assets, schedules critical inspections, equipment diagrams and operating history. This information can help with predictive analysis and operations to manage plant assets safely and efficiently.
CFlow™ – Manage Complex Workflows
Management of Change, Incident Tracking, Action Plan, Root Cause Analysis
CFlow allows for the management of complex workflows combining incident management, analytics, intelligence collection and collaboration tools. All of these capabilities in one cohesive tool allow for better protection of assets, mitigation of risks and identification of issues.
CNotesTM - Single source of truth for plant-wide shift communication
CNotes is the shift handover solution that consolidates all the necessary information required for a consistent and up-to-date view of shift logs, key process (historian) and lab data, problems, operating targets and workflows to manage critical safety system bypass, Downgrades and abnormal situation management. The Work Permits workflow module manages safe work permits, Lockout Tagout isolations, risk assessments, job hazard analysis and other types of electronic permit approvals. The Task Tracker module allows Environmental, Operations and Maintenance teams to track recurring tasks, allows peer-collaboration and track tasks completion for compliance.
CNotes captures data from across the plant, making it available through a user-friendly web or mobile-based user interface with searchable shift summaries and one-pager turnover reports.
CNotesMobile Operator Rounds solution is a mobile-based application (iOS or Android) for managing field operator rounds, procedures and routine duties. The application collects data on the plant assets, schedules critical inspections, equipment diagrams and operating history. This information can help with predictive analysis and operations to manage plant assets safely and efficiently.
CFlow™ – Manage Complex Workflows
Management of Change, Incident Tracking, Action Plan, Root Cause Analysis
CFlow allows for the management of complex workflows combining incident management, analytics, intelligence collection and collaboration tools. All of these capabilities in one cohesive tool allow for better protection of assets, mitigation of risks and identification of issues.