Keynote Panel Discussion – Digital Evolution in Industry: Crafting a Vision for Transformation and the Essential Steps Forward
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 9:00 AM - 9:40 AM
Jim Claunch, Bain & Company
Heath Satterfield, Devon Energy
Kate Stevenson, Novus Consulting
Joe Davis, Continental Resources
Brandon Brown, Vital Energy
Gaurav Khandelwal, ChaiOne
Heath Satterfield, Devon Energy
Kate Stevenson, Novus Consulting
Joe Davis, Continental Resources
Brandon Brown, Vital Energy
Gaurav Khandelwal, ChaiOne
- Defining a digital transformation project and the specific threshold
- Understanding how new technologies and thinking play out against scaling up existing technologies
- Discussing the role of end applications and what value they unlocked the most value to date